Renting made simple


Find your dream rental home

We have a large database of over 300 live properties at any time for you to browse, research, and choose from. With our inside out knowledge and connections, we promise to help you find a new home easily and quickly.

Decide your Budget

Before you start researching properties, it’s a good idea to get your finance in order and set a budget based ...

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Consider the Property’s Location

A good location should meet your lifestyle needs, especially commuting to work and local amenities if you don’...

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Arrange Viewings

Try to view as many different types of properties as you can. Make a list of everything that matters to you - ...

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Make an Offer

Once you have found your dream home, put in an offer through your estate agent, who will negotiate with the la...

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Find your next home

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Book a home valuation to see if it's time to sell - LambornHill

Book a home valuation to see if it's time to sell

If you would like someone to contact you for a free valuation and market appraisal, please complete the details below.